First it snowed and there was much freaking out because I was trying to get my paper submitted before everyone went on vacation.
Then, we had Christmas at my mom's house. I couldn't get a good shot of the tree, because there was stuff all over the floor (first presents and then then it looked like a hurricane had struck) and it was too dark, and I forgot about taking pictures until after all the presents were unwrapped anyway, but I did get some good shots of my mom's Christmas mice. I LOVE the Christmas mice. They are my favorite Christmas decorations. I also got some shots of some of the mushroom ornaments. We ate dinner and I ate a lot of beets. I'm not going to go into detail about what happened after THAT, but if you've ever eaten a lot of beets, you probably know. If not, you should try it sometime. Brian got a knife sharpener and I got a pouring shield for my mixer. Plus, we both got some good books and a plate (well, I called it a plate, but my mom insisted it was a dish) and a washer (HINT: it's like the year I got a piece of wood-- a board--a key, and a tiny little mouse). Got it?
Yesterday it snowed some more, my paper was submitted (Oh my god! Passive voice!), we shoveled a lot and the power went out again. It came back on overnight, so unfortunately for Margot,
we don't have to go stay with Adam and Christi again.
Beets are big trouble. I don't eat them, personally, but I did puree some for Soren when he was first starting solid foods, and MY MY MY are they red. And then I put the beety dishes in the dishwasher, where they turned everything else red. Just say no to beets.
Beets were the cause of the one late-night call I made to a nurse while I was pregnant. I guess I'd never eaten that many before and the results are concerning during pregnancy. Boy was I happy to figure out the cause!
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