I seem to be having multiple birthdays this year, but today is the real one. Yesterday we had birthday dinner (where Edith got her birthday lasagna for my birthday), and some day in the future we will have to have cake and open my present from Edith. She says it's not here yet and she hopes I will like it, but if not, she will use it. She said it wasn't a sewing machine.
I am even more behind on posting pictures than Edith is. I have a few things to show off (besides our deck handiwork) but the pictures disappear onto E's computer and I'm too lazy to go find them.
It's sunny and warm again today, and things are starting to turn green. Everyone* agrees that you should get the day off from work for your birthday. That's not going to happen, but I think my boss and many of my cow-orkers are out today so maybe I will leave a little early. :-)
* "everyone" = E and my Mom. If they both agree on something, you know it is absolutely correct.
Photo credit: E
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